

Service / maintenance / remote diagnosis

Our service team provides a comprehensive service package for satisfied customers.

  • Service and maintenance work for high operational reliability and a long service life of the machines •
  • Complete maintenance management for maximum plant availability
  • Reduced maintenance costs through remote diagnostics via modem, Internet and camera solutions
  • Complete inspections of used machines

Maintenance agreements

Maintenance agreements are one of the foundations for securing your investment. The modular Borema maintenance concept is tailored to your individual needs.

  • “Standard maintenance” for calculable value retention
  • “All-In-Maintenance” at a fixed price including service, repairs and materials with budgetable cost structures

Spare parts and order picking warehouse

A continuous supply of spare parts is the basis for powerful after sales service. We guarantee the former by the following a three column principle.

  • Borema has an extensive spare parts and order picking warehouse
  • We guarantee fast spare parts supply even for custom spare parts (24 hours)
  • Our technology department develops and produces spare parts for machines for which no original parts are available

Assembly / outsourcing

Our experienced assembly teams have in-depth expertise. Our services include:

  • Installation of own and third-party plants at external locations
  • Assembly and installation for customer plants and machines in our own assembly halls in Schwarzenbach
  • Reconstruction and relocation of existing plants

Borema after sales service

Borema is the industry leader in after sales service: We offer round-the-clock service 365 days of the year. This is possible because every project and service is supported by a team of qualified employees from the fields of technology, electronics and business management.
Benefits for you: Systems with maximum operational safety, maximum performance and availability as well as a long service life guarantee you stress-free production with optimum performance. So you can say “right solution – right decision”.